Make: | Nissan |
Model: | Leaf |
Model Code: | ZE1 |
Model Year: | 2018 - 2020 |
OE Sensor Manufacturer: | Continental |
OE Sensor Number: | 407704CB1B |
Sensor Frequency: | 433 MHz |
The following sensors are all compatible with: Nissan Leaf 2018-2020.
Hybrid 2.0 Snap-In Dual-Frequency Sensor
U-Pro Hybrid 2.0 Sensor The only dual frequency, configurable and programmable TPMS sensor. 97% of direct TPMS-enabled vehicle c... (more)
U-Pro Hybrid NFC Universal Sensor w/ Snap-In
The 1st Program-by-Phone Sensor What Sets this Sensor Apart? The U-Pro Hybrid NFC is the first NFC-enabled universal sensor user... (more)
Box Of 10 Replacement Snap-In Valves for VDO TG1D
A box of 10 snap-in valves. This service kit is suitable for use with VDO TG1D type sensors.a box of 10 snap-in valves, each inc... (more)
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